
The Premier, Unified, Cloud-Based Business Tool

Microsoft Azure

Business today is about hyper-agility.

The global directive states that commerce must now be ‘always-on’. Companies that don’t offer their markets convenience and availability that’s all-permeating, will likely miss out on the lion’s share of the pillar or industry they occupy.

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How it works

Microsoft Azure Structured Query Language (SQL) Database

Your data is the precious haul from which you glean the information vital to pin-pointing lucrative markets and enhancing business processes. Simply, it’s the window to the path to business growth and success.


To proper manage the data treasure chest, you need a competent database management system, and that will usually be set in place as an SQL – structured query language. The SQL is domain-specific language used as a relational database management system, and within it, you house the rich, insightful data that feeds your business.


Microsoft Azure 

SQL lets you 

future-proof your 

business with a 

fully integrated 

structured query 

language system.

Marry your SQL skills in the cloud, on the same server

Build applications faster

Automatically scale resources on demand

Modernise your SQL capabilities and unify these on one service

Store data in hyper-scale

Enhance business agility with AI-powered features

Microsoft Azure Active Directory is a cloud-based access management system.

With it, you can access your Software as a Service (SaaS) touchpoints, and manage your other external management systems, like Microsoft Dynamics 365.


What’s more, Azure Active Directory lets you remotely access any internal applications you’ve developed, and that you run on your intranet.

Microsoft Azure Web Apps

Azure Web Apps is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) structure for your business.

With Web Apps, you can code into and create websites, and remotely manage content.


With it, you can run your web publishing apps on multiple
frameworks and in a multitude of programming languages, like:





Security and Compliance with Microsoft Azure

The hyper-connected state of business today means its all-permeating nature is one that demands increased security and compliance processes.

Microsoft Azure has developed a sound and comprehensive range of features, that increase your business’s ability to effectively manage regulatory challenges.

With it, you can deploy certifications within compliant environments, merge security management and threat protection, and establish policies that enable your business to align with regulations and compliances, both internal and external.

(Azure Functions)

Serverless Computing Platform

Serverless compute – Azure’s world-class serverless computing platform – lets your business, essentially, scale within the cloud itself, and in full automation, so that as you grow the cloud grows with you, to match your workload.

Build, debug, monitor and deploy processes

Ensure your business responds to events via an integrated programming directive

Be fully agile by selecting optimal hosting options as business needs shift

Getting Started with
Microsoft Azure

If you’re wondering how Azure works with your existing infrastructure, contact Strategix today.

Accelerate communication, optimise workflows, and elevate service delivery.

Avoid downtime and related costs with predictive AI capabilities. Accelerate operations with smart automation.

Drive innovation with the creation of novel products and services, tailor customer experiences, and revolutionise decision-making processes.

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