
Business Process Automation Can Boost Your Business

Digital technology offers businesses all the tools they need to succeed. While this is usually all too evident in the customer-facing side of companies, business process automation serves as solution to the behind-the-scenes processes.

Streamlining internal workflow can lead to faster and improved production at a lower cost – increasing your business’ productivity and boosting your bottom line.

By automating activities and services through the use of digital tools, you work smarter, not harder; growing the reach of your company whether you’re in manufacturing, retail, supply chain or benefitting by improved financial processes.

While there are no hard and fast figures available for the local market, recent surveys in the US supports this statement. From 2012 to 2014, 69% of companies significantly increased their use of business process automation and 88% of large firms employed the use of business process automation strategies in most if not all areas of their business.

While technology still carries a bit of a fear factor for those of us who grew up without smart phones – or any mobile phones – for that matter, business process automation is easy to install and implement. As difficult as it was to swop faxes for email, no one can deny the resulting vast improvement in convenience and usability.

Business process automation is quickly becoming a highly strategic enabler of business control, agility and productivity. Taking this into consideration, along with the fact that the whole world is moving to mobile and web applications, the deciding factor comes down to cost. With our business and development model we can create high-quality mobile and web applications at a fraction of the cost.

The same goes for business process automation. It streamlines communication processes and improves supply chain management functions – instead of having to repeat a menial task such as sending 20 email notifications, these notifications and information is sent automatically once a task has been finalised. This automated function is especially valuable in the supply chain process, as it eliminates human error and leaves a perfect paper trail.

This paper trail has additional advantages. Because steps are clearly outlined and there is clear ownership of each stage of a process or workflow, employees are forced to cover their bases extra carefully and make sure they do a perfect job, every time. This increased efficiency translates into a rise in productivity, which is also helped along with lower costs – the result of fewer errors in the workflow process and the reduction in needed man hours because of automation.

Business process automation brings great value-add and increased efficiency to your business. It is quickly becoming a highly strategic enabler of business control, agility and productivity. Taking this into consideration, along with the fact that the whole world is moving to mobile and web applications, the deciding factor comes down to cost. With Strategix’s business and development model we can create high-quality mobile and web applications at a fraction of the cost.