
10 Benefits of Business Process Automation

You save time

Doing tasks manually takes time and has to be done linearly, while the same tasks can be completed a lot faster if done via automation. This frees up time which employees can use in more innovative ways to add value to the business.

You save money

Because more than one task is completed at the same time, and faster, you save money as your company is being more productive. You can accomplish more by applying fewer resources.

Operational efficiency improves

With business process automation tasks are completed faster, more efficiently and at less cost. Subsequently, operational efficiency is increased as the company becomes more streamlined and productive. Time, cost and money is saved, with greater operational success.

Quality and consistency improves

With the decrease in errors comes an improvement in the quality of product and service delivery. The increased accuracy in production and other business processes also means that products and services are delivered consistently.

Turnaround times are faster

Business processes are streamlined and workflow is smoother and contains fewer errors, which means that your turnaround times are reduced and your productivity increases.

You have better insight into business metrics

Not only does business process automation allow you as a business owner to have immediate access into all the relevant data you need for business decisions, it also covers more of the data and is more accurate. Your business strategy and decision-making is now streamlined.

Business process automation is quickly becoming a highly strategic enabler of business control, agility and productivity. Taking this into consideration, along with the fact that the whole world is moving to mobile and web applications, the deciding factor comes down to cost. With our business and development model we can create high-quality mobile and web applications at a fraction of the cost.

Accuracy is improved

While people are fallible and can make mistakes when entering information or making calculations, business automation processes are formulated and close to 100% accurate, In fact, the only margin of error is owing to either the human being who designed the process, the human employee(s) who implement the process or the decision-making based on the automated processes – done by a human employee.

Compliance is made easier

Because of the reduced scope for human error and omissions, the legal compliance to rules and regulations of the trade are more aligned. The automated systems and procedures can be controlled and overseen with more clarity, which makes compliance easier and more transparent.

Workload decreases

As business process automation completes more of the manual tasks, the workload of employees are decreased. Automation allows information to be gathered and integrated with ease, saving employees from having to sieve through mountains of paperwork.

Morale is raised

As business process automation takes over manual tasks and eliminates human error to such a great extent, employees can fret less about these potentially costly errors. They are also free to do more specialised tasks that are more suited to their abilities and interests.

Business process automation is quickly becoming a highly strategic enabler of business control, agility and productivity. Taking this into consideration, along with the fact that the whole world is moving to mobile and web applications, the deciding factor comes down to cost. With Strategix’s business and development model we can create high-quality mobile and web applications at a fraction of the cost.