
How Smart is Your Business Analytics App?

There is no secret anymore that business intelligence is a key business component in the drive to be agile, competitive and effective in the marketplace.

BI tools enable organisations to easily visualise and analyse their enterprise data to suggest recommendations, support the decision-making process, and transform their operations.

Before choosing a BI application for your business, ask yourself the following questions:

Can you quickly access and generate intelligent business insights?

Here’s a question – how fast can you implement BI and start accessing the relevant data reporting in your business? Organisations need a fast real-time response to transform enterprise data into rich visuals and extract business intelligence for enhanced decision-making.

Power BI allows users to set up automatic data refresh and to publish securely reports that include the latest information. There is no specialised training required to generate business insights.

Being a cloud-based tool, Power BI requires no capital expenditure or infrastructure support regardless of the size of a business, making for a quick, hassle-free implementation.

Can you personalise your dashboard?

A major advantage of a business intelligence tool is to be able to gain access to the relevant information your business depends on – interactive visuals, charts, graphics, stats – in one place, as quickly as possible.

In Power BI, the information dashboard can be customised to meet the exact need of your enterprise. Users can even embed dashboards and BI reports in the applications to provide a unified user experience.

Can you integrate seamlessly with other applications?

It is important to have a business intelligence tool that can capture data from various enterprise sources, and integrate with third-party applications and even advanced cloud services such as Cortana. More data captured and turned into intelligent insights results in a more comprehensive decision-making process.

Power BI integrates easily with your existing business environment, allowing users to adopt analytics and reporting capabilities. Ongoing support and updates – thanks to the cloud environment – can further assist your business to leverage integrative tools.

Microsoft’s business analytics tool, Power BI, provides agile reporting and analysis without the need for specialised support, through a powerful language interface and the use of intuitive graphical designer tools.

Go from data to insights in minutes with STRATEGIX and Power BI.

Power BI a business intelligence tool that brings all your business-critical data in one central system for quick organising, analysing and reporting. Experience any data, in any way you want, anywhere. And all in one view.