
Advanced Customisation Techniques in Dynamics 365

In the digital era, where businesses strive for agility and efficiency, customisation within Dynamics 365 stands as a cornerstone for tailoring CRM and ERP solutions to meet specific organisational needs. Let’s unpack the intricacies of advanced customisation techniques, to gain more knowledge on insights and best practices for harnessing the full potential of Dynamics 365.

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Overview of Customisation in Dynamics 365

Customisation in Dynamics 365 encompasses the process of adapting and extending the platform’s capabilities beyond its out-of-the-box functionalities. This includes configuring fields, forms, views, and workflows to align with unique business processes and requirements. By customising Dynamics 365, organisations can optimise user experience, improve data accuracy, and streamline operational workflows, thereby driving productivity and enhancing decision-making capabilities.

Importance of Customisation in Achieving Specific Business Needs

The ability to customise Dynamics 365 is pivotal for organisations aiming to achieve strategic alignment and operational efficiency. Customisation allows businesses to:

  • Tailor CRM: Customise entities, fields, and relationships to capture and manage specific data points critical to customer interactions and relationships.
  • Enhance ERP: Modify business processes, forms, and reports to streamline operations, improve resource utilisation, and support informed decision-making.
  • Integrate Seamlessly: Extend Dynamics 365 with third-party applications and services through custom connectors and integrations, ensuring a cohesive IT ecosystem.

Customisation empowers organisations to adapt rapidly to market changes, innovate processes, and maintain a competitive edge in their industry.

What are the Customisation Options in Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 offers a comprehensive suite of customisation options, ranging from simple configuration adjustments to complex development and integration tasks:

  • Configuration: Adjust settings within Dynamics 365 through the UI or configuration tools to meet immediate business needs without altering the underlying codebase.
  • Customisation: Develop custom entities, workflows, plugins, and web resources using the Power Platform (Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI) and Azure services for advanced functionalities and integrations.
  • Extensions: Create managed solutions or extensions to package and deploy customisations across environments while maintaining scalability and system integrity.

Understanding these options helps organisations differentiate between basic adjustments and transformative customisations that reshape Dynamics 365 to fit unique business requirements.

Customisation vs. Configuration in Dynamics 365

Differentiating between customisation and configuration is essential for effective platform management:

  • Configuration: Involves setting up Dynamics 365 using built-in tools to adjust forms, views, and processes to align with standard business practices and immediate needs.
  • Customisation: Requires deeper modifications involving code-based changes, such as developing custom entities, plugins, or integrating external systems through APIs, to deliver tailored solutions that meet specific business requirements.

Choosing between configuration and customisation depends on the complexity of requirements, scalability considerations, and the need for ongoing maintenance and support.

Customising Managed Solutions in Dynamics 365

Managed solutions in Dynamics 365 are pre-packaged applications or extensions that can be installed, updated, and uninstalled independently of the base system. Customising these solutions allows organisations to tailor Dynamics 365 to their specific needs while leveraging the robust capabilities of managed solutions. Here’s a detailed guide on how to effectively customise managed solutions:

Understand the Managed Solution Framework

Before diving into customisation, it’s crucial to understand the framework and limitations of managed solutions:

  • Read the Documentation: Thoroughly review the documentation provided by the solution’s publisher to understand its components and any customisation constraints.
  • Identify Customisation Boundaries: Determine which elements can be customised (e.g., forms, views, fields) and which are locked by the managed solution to prevent conflicts.

Set Up Your Development Environment

Ensure your development environment is correctly configured for customisation:

  • Development Environment: Use a dedicated development environment separate from your production environment to avoid disruptions.
  • Tools: Utilise the Dynamics 365 SDK, Power Platform tools, and version control systems like Git to manage your customisations.

Customise Within Allowed Boundaries

Follow best practices to ensure your customisations are compatible with the managed solution:

  • Custom Entities and Fields: Create custom entities and fields only when necessary, and avoid modifying existing ones unless explicitly permitted.
  • Forms and Views: Customise forms and views to enhance user experience, ensuring you do not remove or significantly alter core components of the managed solution.
  • Business Logic: Implement business rules, workflows, and plugins to automate processes and enforce business logic without interfering with the managed solution’s core functionalities.

Maintain Version Control and Documentation

Proper version control and documentation are critical for managing changes and maintaining system integrity:

  • Version Control: Use version control systems to track changes, manage dependencies, and facilitate collaboration among team members.
  • Documentation: Document all customisations, including the purpose, the changes made, and any dependencies or impacts on other system components. This documentation will be invaluable for troubleshooting and future updates.

Rigorous Testing and Validation

Testing is essential to ensure that your customisations work as intended and do not introduce issues:

  • Unit Testing: Test individual components to ensure they function correctly in isolation.
  • Integration Testing: Validate that customisations integrate seamlessly with the managed solution and other system components.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Conduct UAT with end-users to ensure the customisations meet their needs and are user-friendly.
  • Regression Testing: Test to confirm that new customisations do not negatively affect existing functionalities.

Deploy Customisations

Carefully plan and execute the deployment of your customisations to the production environment:

  • Deployment Plan: Develop a comprehensive deployment plan that includes steps for backup, deployment, and rollback procedures in case of issues.
  • Minimise Disruption: Schedule deployments during off-peak hours to minimise business disruption. Monitor the deployment process closely to address any issues promptly.

Training and Support

Provide adequate training and support to ensure successful adoption of the customisations:

  • Training: Develop and deliver training sessions and materials to help end-users understand and effectively use the new customisations.
  • Support Plan: Establish a support plan that includes a helpdesk, troubleshooting guides, and a process for handling customisation-related issues and requests for enhancements.

Technical Deep Dive: Automation and AI Integration

Automation and AI integration amplify the capabilities of Dynamics 365 by enabling:

  • Workflow Automation: Automate routine tasks, approvals, and notifications using Power Automate to enhance operational efficiency and reduce manual effort.
  • AI-driven Insights: Integrate Azure AI services to analyse data, predict outcomes, and personalise customer interactions, thereby driving proactive decision-making and improving customer satisfaction.
  • Machine Learning: Implement predictive models to forecast trends, optimise resource allocation, and identify opportunities for business growth within Dynamics 365 applications.

These advanced capabilities empower organisations to achieve operational excellence and strategic differentiation through intelligent automation and data-driven insights.

Creating Bespoke Modules in Dynamics 365

Bespoke module creation involves:

  • Needs Assessment: Identify specific business requirements, user workflows, and data management needs that existing Dynamics 365 modules cannot fully address.
  • Design and Development: Collaborate with stakeholders to design custom entities, forms, and business logic tailored to unique processes and operational workflows.
  • Deployment and Support: Deploy custom modules across environments, provide user training, and ensure ongoing support and maintenance to optimise performance and usability.

Bespoke modules enable organisations to fill gaps in standard functionalities, streamline operations, and enhance user adoption by delivering tailored solutions aligned with strategic objectives.

For more on creating your own modules, read this article.

Challenges and Solutions in D365 Customisation

Customisation efforts in Dynamics 365 can enhance its capabilities, but they often come with challenges. Here’s a look at some common challenges and effective solutions:

Integration Complexity

Challenge: Addressing data integration challenges when connecting Dynamics 365 with legacy systems or third-party applications.


  • Use Standard Connectors: Leverage built-in connectors available in Power Platform to simplify integration with common third-party applications.
  • Custom APIs: Develop custom APIs using Azure services to facilitate seamless data exchange between Dynamics 365 and legacy systems.
  • Data Mapping and Transformation: Implement robust data mapping and transformation processes to ensure data consistency and accuracy across systems.
  • Middleware Solutions: Employ middleware solutions like Azure Logic Apps or Microsoft Power Automate to manage complex integrations and workflows efficiently.

Performance Optimisation

Challenge: Optimising system performance and responsiveness while managing increased data volumes and customisation complexity.


  • Efficient Data Management: Implement data archiving strategies and use Azure Data Lake or other storage solutions for historical data to reduce the load on Dynamics 365.
  • Code Optimisation: Write efficient code and avoid unnecessary complexity in custom plugins and workflows. Utilise asynchronous processing where possible.
  • Indexing and Query Optimisation: Optimise database queries and ensure proper indexing to enhance data retrieval performance.
  • Scalability: Leverage Azure’s scalable infrastructure to ensure that your Dynamics 365 environment can handle growing data volumes and user loads.

Upgrade Compatibility

Challenge: Ensuring seamless migration and compatibility of customisations during platform upgrades and updates to avoid disruption to business operations.


  • Use Supported Customisations: Stick to supported customisation methods and avoid unsupported code that might break during updates.
  • Testing in Sandbox Environments: Test all updates and customisations in a sandbox environment before applying them to the production system to identify and resolve potential issues.
  • Backward Compatibility Checks: Ensure that custom code and third-party solutions are compatible with new versions by checking release notes and conducting thorough testing.
  • Regular Updates and Maintenance: Keep your customisations and third-party solutions up to date with the latest patches and updates provided by Microsoft and other vendors.

Overcoming these challenges requires proactive planning, adherence to best practices, and leveraging expert guidance to maintain system stability and support evolving business needs effectively.

Advanced customisation techniques in Dynamics 365 empower organisations to optimise CRM and ERP functionalities to align with unique business requirements and strategic goals. By embracing customisation, businesses can enhance operational efficiency, foster innovation, and maintain a competitive advantage in today’s dynamic marketplace.

Explore the transformative potential of Dynamics 365 customisation with Strategix Group. Contact us today to discover how our expertise in advanced customisation techniques can drive your business success.

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