
Genesis advisory services

Genesis Advisory Services provides profit-yielding financial solutions focused on wealth creation and wealth preservation. The company’s suite of services encompasses a three- pillared approach that includes risk options, a range of investment options and fiduciary services. The product offerings give clients rewards for keeping fit and healthy.

Genesis Advisory Services is a juristic representative of Discovery Life Limited. Discovery Life Limited is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 18147). Financial planners specialize in providing advice on the Discovery Life, Discovery Insure, and Discovery Invest platforms.

The company operates both in South Africa and in the United Kingdom.

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Business Situation

“Our organisation was facing high operational costs because of manual data processing. We contacted Strategix to advise us on a suitable CRM solution that will automate and improve our business processes,” said Michelle Nolting, Head of Business Development and Operations at the time.

Business Solution

Strategix implemented Microsoft Dynamics CRM to enhance the sales and administrative processes in the client’s organisation. Strategix was chosen as the supplier because of their efficient costing structure and the clear presentation of the benefits delivered by the CRM solution.

With the new processes implemented, Strategix was able to meet Genesis Advisory Services with their requirements to streamline and grow their financial operations. Says Michelle: “We have rapidly experienced increased efficiencies with the new systems and a quicker turnaround time, which greatly benefits our customers.”

“The Strategix team were incredibly patient during the process of investigation and were the only company that gave us referrals to call. It was the turning point, as they were open and honest about what they could do and how the solution could benefit our business.”

Results & Benefits

  • Streamlined sales and administration operations
  • Enhanced security and data protection
  • Quicker turnaround time
  • Operational costs and time savings
  • Efficient development and timely response

“Strategix also specifically tailor made the cost to suit us and came in substantially cheaper than their competitors. The team that worked with us were professional, extremely competent and friendly at all times. It is an absolute pleasure working with them,” concluded Michelle



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